
Showing posts from December, 2009

Day 23 - Make A Wish

We're up to number 23 in the 30 days of blogging , and although I have missed some days this has still been the best thing that could ever happen to this journal. Prompt 23 is an especially fun one; make a wish! When I was a teenager and going through some difficulties, my school couselor would often ask me what I would wish for if I had the proverbial three wishes. Back then it all seemed so simple. I would always answer that I only needed one wish: for everybody in the world to have all they needed and be happy. In my mind then, that meant that everybody would have all their wishes granted! I suppose that now I should have a more practical view of real life. And in some ways that earlier wish seems simplistic and unrealistic. There are some people who never have "enough" and some who refuse to be happy. So as I grew older my wishes stayed generally the same became more specific. My wish is that everyone could be well nourished and healthy. That no one would ever

Day 21 - Changes

Number 21 in the 30 days of blogging is to notice what's changing as we post during this project. Other than the obvious change of making more posts, I wasn't sure if anything had changed. I find that it's definitely easier to post when there is a set topic or question to answer. And thinking about some of the prompts has given me ideas about how to include a broader range of subjects within my theme. This can only mean good things for my business and my mission. Thanks Susan!

Day 20 - Memories

I missed a few days in the 30 days of blogging , but the nice thing about this project is that it's so easy to jump back in. :) Prompt 20 is to share a childhood memory. When thinking about what would make a good recollection to share here, I reminded myself that the topic of this blog is wealth creation. That led to thoughts of Carolina Florist, the business my grandparents owned. "The Shop" as we called it was one of my favorite places to be and there are so many fond memories to recall. Grandpa's whispery whistle as he worked, creating his beautiful arrangements Grandma V teaching me how to update customer files when payments came in Watering and dusting the potted plants and "dish gardens" kept in the window displays Making endless boquets and corsages for Mother's day, and hundreds of palm crosses for Easter The elation when after countless tries, I finally learned to make a bow-ribbon pompom It was a good place and a good way to learn about busines

Day 17 - Who Is Here

Prompt 17 in 30 days of blogging is to visit one of the other participants and tell something about her. I picked Heidi Caswell , who I first met on the Ryze network. I have long admired Heidi for her sense of balance in raising a large family and running a successful business at the same time. Connect Simply is the name of her website, and a philosophy that many would do well to take to heart. She gets to the point and tells it without trying to make things more complicated than they need to be. How refreshing!