
Showing posts from June, 2008

The First Secret To Creating Wealth

There are many ways to become wealthy. Some methods are complex, and some are rather simple; but none are easy. All require good planning, a certain amount of risk, and a lot of determination. This all depends, of course, on exactly what your definition of "wealthy" is. To some folks wealthy will always mean having a certain amount of money - having $XX in the account. To others, being wealthy means having enough to share or having peace of mind or any of the other hundreds of definitions that there are. For our purpose here, let's agree that wealthy means having money. Maybe for you that means enough so that you don't have to worry. Or maybe it means enough to share. It could be that you want to be secure enough to know you'll never run out. It doesn't really matter because we've already determined that it takes at least some money to achieve any dream. So where does that money come from? Obviously, there are dozens of sources and hundreds of possible ste

Pleasure, Control and Security

These are the things most people really mean when they say they want wealth. We all know that money itself is only useful because of the things it can do. So, have you ever thought about why you want it and what you want it to do for you? Money can buy a certain amount of security. The security to know that you'll have enough food and the mortgage will be paid, living in a safer neighborhood and being able to plan for college or retirement are the kinds of security that money can buy. Having enough money can certainly buy you a lot of control in your life; the kind of control that poor folks aren't allowed even in their homes. Imagine being told when you could or couldn't have visitors and how long they can stay, or how many people can sleep in each bedroom, when you can do laundry and how much water you can use. There are millions of things in the world that cannot be controled. But there are many, many things that can. The amount of money you have determines what they are

What Is Wealth?

Does that seem like a silly question? Maybe it is, but have you ever considered your attitudes about money? When and how did you learn about budgeting, financing and other money matters? Whether you have none or more than you can count, your opinions about money were probably formed early in life. And it most likely doesn't have much to do with how much money you had, unless you were extremely rich or poor. I grew up in the south in the 60's. My parents were students at A&T at the time of the sit-ins and demonstrations. The schools were still segregated when I started. In spite of these things, I knew early that economic status was a much larger and more frequent cause of discrimination that either race or gender. I believe it was true then - since economics was the reason for most institutional racism. And it is even more true today. My being black and female may or may not have influenced the treatment I've received at banks, real estate agencies, and medical offices.